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Saturday, June 27, 2009


Hold fast your dreams!
Within your heart
Keep one still, secret spot
Where dreams may go,
And, sheltered so,
May thrive and grow
Where doubt and fear are not.
O keep a place apart,
Within you heart,
For little dreams to go!

Think still of lovely things that are not true.
Let wish and magic work at will in you.
Be sometimes blind to sorrow. Make believe!
Forget the calm that lies
In disillusioned eyes.
Though we all know that we must die,
Yet you and I
May walk like gods and be
Even now at home in immortality.

We see so many ugly things -
Deceits and wrongs and quarrelings;
We know, alas! we know
How quickly fade
The color in the west,
The bloom upon the flower,
The bloom upon the breast
And youth's blind hour.
A place apart
Where little dreams may go,
May thrive and grow,
Hold fast - hold fast your dreams!


Over your rainbow
A unicorn flew,
He was sent to find me...
He said by you.
"Climb aboard", he whispered,
"We must go for a ride..."
And into a portal of light
We rode inside.
The sky was so blue,
The fields so green,
With each explosion of light
Was a wonderful scene.
So happy we seem
And always together,
There was no end to your dream,
It just went on forever.
Then the unicorn said
"I have one more surprise..."
So we took off quickly
And pierced the sky.
Then I saw you sleeping
And dreaming in your bed...
I caressed your hair gently
And kissed you on your head.
The unicorn interrupted...
"I must now get you home,
But now that you've seen her dream,
May you never feel alone."
My heart is feeling heavy,
A fire burns inside.
Thank you so much my darling
For the unicorn's ride.


Onto the sea
I sailed my boat
And prayed that it
Would stay afloat

From dawn til dusk
From dusk til dawn
In search of love
I drifted on

What happened then
I don't recall
I think it was
A sudden squall

For when I awoke
I thought I died
At the sight of an angel
At my side

But lucky for me
That was not true
For I found love
And love was you

As I wake by your side,
My feelings for you I can not hide,
I touch your face in the morning light,
Being with you just feels so right

You make me feel like I'm a King,
Like being inside an awesome dream,
Although this is real, that I know,
As the love that surrounds us continues to grow